"Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap." Luke 21;34
In a time when we are supposed to be doing penitential rituals and practices, we are instead doing the opposite.
We are out shopping, hoping not to be mauled in the violence of “black Friday” or missing the “great deals” of Cyber Monday. Instead of downsizing our lives, we are just collecting more stuff and deepening our debt.
We forget about the debt we owe to Jesus, the “reason for the season”.
The debt he paid for us without charging us any interest fee.
Just for the record, I am not really opposed to the gift giving although it has become out of hand.
In a discussion with my family at dinner time, I was faced with the argument that the magi brought Jesus gifts, which I fumbled through with a quick but not so satisfying answer.
Well, as the Lord would have it, a better answer came along in something I read a few days later. The writer of the article asked the question, “how many presents did you buy for Jesus this year”?.
I’m betting that there is nothing under most people’s Christmas trees for Jesus.
Jesus gave us the greatest gift of all, the gift of salvation, but all we give to Him is our selfishness, our greed, our lack of piety.
Let us all make a commitment starting this year, that among the hustle and bustle of our future Christmas’s, that we do not forget to give Jesus a Christmas present…..the gift of ourselves to His will, to reign with Him in Heaven.
He has done His part, now let us do ours.
Feast of the Presentation - What the various characters in the Gospel of
Luke have to teach us about faith and life."