Here is some GREAT NEWS from the fruits of the 40 DAYS FOR LIFE vigil;
I'm so excited to share this news with you all and ask that you share it with the Respect Life groups you have helped get involved with 40 Days for Life. There were FIVE BABIES saved today - including 2 sets of twins! One of those moms was at 21 weeks already - she chose life! There was also a turnaround on Monday - I'm told that a woman showed up early to get information about abortion. As you know, EMW isn't open on Monday - but we had faithful prayer warriors out there at 7 am and they were able to guide her to A Woman's Choice. I'm told she is making an adoption plan for her baby.
So far, in Louisville, there are 12 babies saved during this campaign - God is SO good when his people are humble and faithful (and even when they aren't!) Please share this news with those you helped to recruit for this campaign - everyone needs to know that prayers are answered!
We would like to finish this campaign strong! I know you have all done amazing things to encourage your friends and family to stand with us - we still have ten days to go and we need you until the end! Thank you sincerely for all you have done so far! Look at the calendar and fill an hour if you can
:-). Encourage your friends to consider giving one more hour (I beg shamelessly for the babies.)
Bless you all!
Feast of the Presentation - What the various characters in the Gospel of
Luke have to teach us about faith and life."