Most people would think that it is good for the state or government to make sure school children are learning and keeping up the grades in school. We have many friends and family that are educators and concerned with the level of children's education and care at home.
"No child left behind" is the moniker today. We are all responsible for the most vulnerable people in our communities (and in all the world) and this includes children.
We must do all we can to stop abuse and neglect. Our society is in shambles with broken homes and single parents trying to juggle work and home life. Most parents put education at the bottom of their list and entrust the public schools to help in that area. Some parents don't have a good enough education to be able to help their children even if they had the time to.
But, anytime the government starts wanting to pry into the family homestead without legitimate reasoning, it is bad news.
I noticed the phrase "based on criteria set by the bill".
Who sets the "criteria" and what is their reasoning behind it? they have other agenda's or special interests that could hamper their reasoning?
I personally believe that a bill like this leaves the door open for the government to come into your home and take your children away or haul you off to jail, neither of which is going to help matters any.
If you think I am crazy, just look at other countries, most especially China with their 1 child policy. Don't think it can't happen in our country....
We have already seen the effects of legalized abortion and now the USA is teetering on the brink of ObamaCare.
These are perilous times and we better come together to thwart the attack on families.
Last Thursday, CNN reported that a Florida legislator has proposed a bill that would have public school teachers issuing a grade to parents. Yes, grading the parents. HB 255 provides that “each prekindergarten through grade 3 student report card shall include a section in which the teacher grades the parental involvement as satisfactory, needs improvement, or unsatisfactory…” based on criteria set by the bill.The whole idea of setting up public schools as overseers of parents is one more sign that American parental rights are in danger. Parents should not have to answer to government agents unless and until there is solid evidence of abuse or neglect on the part of that parent. Giving a grade to every parent clearly violates this constitutional principle.In fact, this bill would espouse the same foundational principle as the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child: assume that all parents are bad parents, and that only government oversight can save our children from parental incompetence.Totalitarian regimes are built on assumed guilt; the nanny state determines which citizens do or do not require their “services.” Florida’s bill would establish a system to do the same. A free nation, on the other hand, operates on the assumption of innocence until proven guilty. Parents do not need government intervention (interference) unless there is proof to the contrary. The Supreme Court has held that “historically, [the law] has recognized that natural bonds of affection lead parents to act in the best interest of their children.” Parham v. J.R., 442 U.S. 584 (1979) Sadly, Florida’s proposed bill recognizes no such thing.We can stop this trend and reestablish the fundamental right of fit parents to direct the upbringing of their children through passage of the Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. If you haven’t already done so, click here to sign the petition at ParentalRights.orgAnd please pass this message on to your family, friends – anyone you know who might share your concern for the future of our American families. If we lose the right to raise our children without constant government oversight, we will lose every other political fight we care about – and we will ultimately lose our children, and our country.But together we can save the future, by protecting these parental rights.
Michael Ramey, Director of Communications and Research
Feast of the Presentation - What the various characters in the Gospel of
Luke have to teach us about faith and life."
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