For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens. ---Ephesians 6:12
As I try to practice Christian charity in this materialistic, culture of death, relativistic world we live in today, I must say it isn’t easy.
Dealing with everyone from the deathscorts at the abortion mill, people in our parish community, to our own families whom we would love to see converted, there are many different values and opinions among people.
You may start a conversation in a loving, gentle, concerned manner and end up like some
insane, raving lunatic wishing bad things upon the person and their next ten generations.
Doesn’t sound very Christian does it?
I remember one time at the abortion mill when one of the deathscorts taunted the crowd with a comment from the bible that she was using out of context (of course).
Normally I keep my mouth shut and just pray the rosary, but, after some of the things I had seen that morning, I tore into her.
I asked her to give me chapter and verse of where that comment came from. Of course she couldn’t and just shrugged me off….but I wasn’t having any of that!!!
So, for the next few minutes I was raving lunatic staying on her like “white on rice on a paper plate in a snow storm”. By the time my tirade was over, I had called her an idiot and was about to be a victim of spontaneous human combustion.
Not very Christian of me. After a while I calmed down and felt bad for what I done although I never apologized to her.
As I reflect back on that situation, and many more times when I have bad thoughts towards my fellow (mislead) mankind, I have to keep in mind Ephesians Chapter 6:12.
Our battle is not against our brothers and sisters upon this earth, but against Satan and the
mind set that he can lead us in to, with the principles of false teachings, unformed consciences, and to the passion of our feelings.
Conscience, values, feelings, standards, ethics, attitudes, belief, opinions….everyone has these, and when viewed through the light of Christ, they can be very beneficial, very life giving; but when used in a secular way, they can damn your very soul.
Feast of the Presentation - What the various characters in the Gospel of
Luke have to teach us about faith and life."
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