Randall A. Terry - StopObamaNotreDame.com
May 19, 2009
Greetings from Notre Dame! First, I thank you for your prayers, and your part in the witness for God and Life that we bore over the last 7 weeks here at Notre Dame. But we have more to do here at Notre Dame, and there are some things you can do to further this controversy.
Although Obama has come and gone - and Notre Dame has thrown her honor to the ground like a brazen harlot - this battle is far from over. People are still in jail; Fr. Jenkins still needs to lose his job; President Obama must be resisted in his plans to turn Catholic and Religious hospitals and doctors into his agents of death - and we are staring at a small hill of bills to pay. Everyone has been bailed out of jail - except two courageous men. While Obama spoke, over 40 brave souls were in jail or police custody. Among those praying, and arrested, was Miss Norma McCorvey, the "Jane Roe" of Roe vs. Wade. Notre Dame arrested the faithful, and honored the wicked. This is something for which they must give an account to God. This bitter irony will be a part of the discussion for years to come. Think of it; Catholics and Evangelicals behind bars for defending Life and Justice; Obama honored while he betrays justice and slays the innocent.
As I said, two courageous men are still in jail - until June 8th...nearly three weeks from now! - for their peaceful, prayerful witness against Notre Dame's treachery. They refuse to post bail; they actually want to sit in jail as a witness against Notre Dame's shameful actions.
They are: Arnold Matheson, age 82, of Poughkeepsie, NY; and Robert Buchta, age 56 of Center Reach, Long Island. God forgive Notre Dame! Their quiet witness is a fierce rebuke to those who perpetrated this perversion. Please pray for them. And I ask you to take a moment and send them a letter of encouragement. Let them know that they are heroes, and that you have called Fr. Jenkins to drop the charges against them.
Write to: Arnold Matheson C/o St. Joseph County Jail 401 W. Sample St. South Bend, IN 46601 Robert Buchta C/o St. Joseph County Jail 401 W. Sample St. South Bend, IN 46601 Next, call Fr. Jenkins office, and politely demand that the charges against these brave men be dismissed. It is an OUTRAGE and a SCANDAL that these men are behind bars at the behest of Notre Dame. The Main switchboard is: 574-631-5000 Fr. Jenkins office phone number is: 574-631-3903 Call Fr. Jenkins right away, and ask him to drop the charges against his fellow Catholics who are sitting in jail right now at his orders.
Feast of the Presentation - What the various characters in the Gospel of
Luke have to teach us about faith and life."